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Directed by: Claudia Lavista, Xitlali Piña y Harif Ovalle

A theater dance show about simple and not so simple everyday lives. 


Dance, text, music and personal stories are put together in a scenic proposal that, 

from intimacy and closeness, proposes empathy as a fundamental resource to 

face the current chaos. 


This work is a creative laboratory, a scenic crossword of crossed lives and the only thing they want is to stay alive. 

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Creation and interpretation: Claudia Lavista, Xitlali Piña and Harif Ovalle 

Ligthting design: Hiram Salomón 

General info

Audience: All audiences
Procedence: Mazatlán

Country: Mexico

Premiered: 2019


Contradicciones: prismas de identidad

Contradicciones: prismas de identidad

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